Valar Institute Announces $2.4 Million in Global Impact Scholarships to Equip Professionals for the AI Revolution

WASHINGTON, September 3, 2024 / Valar Institute / -- Valar Institute, the leadership-focused mobile-first business school, announced the allocation of $2.4 million in Global Impact Scholarships. This investment will fund 400 scholarships, offering select candidates admission to Valar’s AI-supported MBA programs, further demonstrating the Institute’s commitment to democratizing high-quality education and opportunity.

The World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs Report cites that 60% of the workforce will require skills training before 2027. As industries rapidly transform in the wake of artificial intelligence (AI), professionals must adapt to remain competitive. Valar’s commitment is clear: prepare today’s workforce for the seismic shifts brought on by AI by increasing access to skills that ready them to lead through uncertainty.

“At this critical juncture in the global labor market, we recognize our responsibility as educators to give people the tools to succeed in a rapidly evolving economy,” said Bill Fisher, Valar’s CEO. “Our goal is to make the most accessible and highest quality MBA for modern leaders— just 12 months in duration, radically affordable, and with AI at the core. By making business education more accessible, we can better prepare individuals, businesses, and the communities they touch to thrive in an era of change. This scholarship program is just the start.”

Unprecedented MBA ROI
Valar’s recent accreditation renewal by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) affirms Valar’s commitment to not only accessibility, but student outcomes. According to Fisher, “the Valar MBA and EMBA deliver perhaps the highest return on investment (ROI) of any US-accredited MBA”. Recipients of the Global Impact Scholarship stand to earn a degree at an unprecedented tuition level - with some students studying for as low as $300 per month.

Valar’s commitment to the student experience is also apparent in the recent launch of its AI Tutor, an advanced ChatGPT-powered feature that personalizes learning with real-time, contextualized feedback and tutoring tailored to each student’s needs. By integrating AI into the educational framework, Valar is even better equipped to deliver high-quality, scalable learning while enabling faculty to focus on high-impact mentorship.

About Valar Institute
Valar Institute was launched in 2022 in concert with Pedago, an education technology company co-founded by former Rosetta Stone CEO and EY Entrepreneur of the Year, Tom Adams. Valar currently has more than 1000 students enrolled in its US-accredited, mobile-first, radically affordable MBA and Executive MBA degree programs. In 2022, Pedago, received $15 million in VC funding from Elephant Ventures, a leading technology venture capital firm co-founded by a Warby Parker co-founder, and was recognized as one of Inc.’s 5000 Fastest Growing Companies in 2024. Valar is the sister school to Quantic School of Business and Technology.